What is going on with all these men being brought down by their own bad behavior? The chief of the IMF, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, apparently attempted to rape a hotel maid in NYC, and then was stopped minutes from taking off from Kennedy airport on a flight to Paris. His countrymen were shocked at least, some of them - he was expected to run for President of France next year. Do men like this think their worldly power makes them untouchable?
The Arnold Schwarzenneger story - how sad. It's creepy because the housekeeper he got pregnant was still working there; Arnie and she playing a charade, all those years -what devious game-playing in Maria's own house. Sick, twisted - a real "True Lies" movie. I'm glad he took care of the kid but I think this is all really disappointing from the ex-governnator of the state of California. Their 38th Gov. really bottomed out here.
Charlie Sheen - you know, I think he really IS a warlock. That part of his rant we might as well believe. Yet, how perfect, the show creator Chuck Lorre came up with Ashton Kutcher - touche' on that chess move. I speak for the women of America in saying, Ashton is plain so much hotter than Charlie, it just blows him out of the water. Yeah! Are they really considering the female audience on this one? And for Charlie S -that has to hurt. And he said he was irreplaceable. Ashton, you've just pulled the biggest "punked" of all - for real.
Mel Gibson has sunk to smarmy. (Wow, spell checker didn't throw out that word!) Anyway, Mel may never make it back now. His new movie "Beaver(?)" only made something like a paltry $100,000 opening weekend at the box office. Remember not so long ago when he was one of the biggest mega-stars, ever? But if he made a great movie (if he could get anyone to do it with him) would we like him again?
So is it just having a big box-office hit helps one clear the hurdle to redemption? Robert Downey Jr., so talented and struggling so intensely with addictions, seems to be doing quite well now. The huge success of several movies, including the $300 million box-office smash Ironman II, must feel pretty good. That's great - I'll still never forget him in Chaplin, where he brilliantly channel Charlie Chaplin when he was still quite young. It was wonderful, endearing. Hang in there RD. No more jail jumpsuits for you, I hope!
Who else had it all and took himself down - John Edwards: I heard it said he had totally ruined his brand. It's hard to imagine him ever being elected to public office again. Tiger Woods isn't winning - he hasn't won a major tournament since 2009. If he were winning, would all be forgiven again? My, we are a fickle species. You may not know who Mark Souder, ex-representative from Indiana is, but he's from Grabill, right down the road here. Another one that had it made until his own silly deeds made him self-destruct, and he's out of office. Look that one up on Google if you want details.
I'm tired of picking on men here. It takes two to tango. But I don't want to hear of another politician doing raunchy things and playing mind games with his own family. Just 'fess up if you screw up. You might get a chance to start over. Best of all, just go back to thinking before you act. Thinking, that is, with the correct head.
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