I already blogged about Red Box, the DVD vendor. Now I'm finding new products in machines in lots of other places, including the one you see on the right - a proactiv skin care dispenser.
I've seen this line of cosmetics advertised heavily on television, aggressive marketed with celebrity endorsements. We've all seen mall kiosk booths with humans selling products, but this automatic job is in the middle of Glenbrook Square Mall, Fort Wayne - really?
I don't use this product but I took a look at it in the machine, and scrolled through the on-screen menu. Their "30-day-trial" of three samples of a small amount of the basic product
was $30. Just swipe your credit card. Prices go up from there.
I'm just surprised the other mall tenants don't complain about these vending boxes. It seems like competition to stores with employees, but maybe they don't care, it serves different markets. Maybe this is how they do it in Japan.
There was another one I actually used lately, and was delighted to have found. It was for Clinique products, which I love. It was in a terminal of the Dallas/Fort Worth Airport. I was shocked to stumble across it.
Where else do you see high-end makeup products neatly lined up in a vending machine? I always felt the human touch was something Estee Lauder Co. pushed hard for Clinique - well- trained, well-groomed counter staff. Good at selling. Has its branding so helped the line's reputation it can sell on autopilot in a faceless machine? Very interesting.
I really like the Dallas airport, by the way. My favorite thing is the Skylink High Speed Train that connects the five terminals - most rides only take an average of five minutes. I like it much more than those diesel buses or long-distance hoofing it.
I also like DFW's many personal care features, including the Samsung Mobile Power Lounge, with lots of oversized leather lounge chairs and ottomans. It is such a welcome change during a connection, rather than those awful, welded-together airport chairs. Tons of people go in the area to charge their phones and devices.
But back to Clinique. I took out my credit card and bought a box of my favorite product - their Dramatically Different Moisturizer. Sometimes I'll buy something other than this, but I was out, and I really love it. It's just the right chemical compound for my freckled skin, and to each her own. Too bad this one doesn't have SPF. I also like their make-up products. Remember their classic bar soap, that came with the green sliding soap case? Didn't every teenager want that product? It is a quality line, in my mind.
What else is going to be coming out in a vending machine? I can't wait to see.
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