Here are some of my first of the year things:
A new purse-size paper calendar. I still back up my digital life this way. Besides, sometimes I just want to make a pencil note of something: jot down an appointment or a phone number quickly. The current one came from the supermarket after Christmas; this one has a tropical beach photo on the cover. It folds over checkbook-size and has a plastic over-cover.
My digital calendar; working calendar. This is now on my Ipad.
Notes and shopping lists: also now on the Ipad. We still need paper note pads in the kitchen for shopping lists as well. Encourage children to write down food requests on paper.
A common monthly wall calendar: a good place to write a common schedule, with people's games, lessons, appts., etc.
A page-a-day spiritual calendar: something personal for me - I have shopped at the mall calendar kiosk store between Christmas and New Year's or online for my favorite calendar for years. For me it's a personal favorite since perhaps childhood. This is an opportunity for my personal meditation. A moment for centering, balance, discipline, peace.
Other things I really like about the start of the new year:
Getting another look at all the cards and letters that came in over the holidays. You all do such a wonderful job at that. Really creative letters, beautiful photos - one this year was a great formal shot, friends and kids in tuxes and flowers at a wedding, I think - I placed all the incoming cards on the piano this year, and it knocks you out when you pass by. I just have to say 'thank you,' what a blessing it is to have such thoughtful friends and family. Those cards are probably the best thing about Christmas.
Epiphany. Three Saints Day. The wise men that came from the east, following the star. That mystical part of the Christmas story has always been so special to me. And, all of this post is in common with the Capricorn I am, although I do not read a daily horoscope. I am just saying.
Facebook and e:mail. Facebook has done something wonderful for birthdays. Lots of people have rough birthdays: pre-Christmas, post-Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, the 26th, etc. January 3 is pretty anticlimactic as well, for parties and such, but I never really cared. Actually, there have been a few great parties over the years, including the Pokagon State Park toboggan/limo one from about 2003. Thanks, Paul and friends.
But I digress. With facebook, one can roll out of bed and have personal birthday greetings from dozens of people. Nobody has to buy a card or a 44-cent stamp. I think it's great. I really appreciate each and every shout out. Thank you all.
It's the first day back to school, and the first day of the work week for many people. People are back to exercising for the new year, and I'm planning to make it to the gym later today. For me, it will be take-out sushi for my birthday dinner, and something chocolate. It's a sunny day over the ice today - Signing off to get on with it.
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