Hoosiers are crazy about their fireworks. Whether they buy them to set off themselves, or spread blankets on lawns to watch big displays, summer means lots of pyrotechnics.
I've seen firework displays from boats, and that is wonderful - but then someone has to put the boat away. That's ok - but we have stumbled upon our own bit of magic - fireworks dockside in Leo-Cedarville, Indiana.
One used to have to drive to Fort Wayne to see a big show, but for the last ten years
Leo has made a concerted effort, including raising volunteered funds, to put on a firework festival. Riverside Gardens Park has a perfect viewing area, and an afternoon of events including live bands, dance acts, and line dancing. We took the crew over for some ice cream, hot dogs, and cold drinks. The younger kids got to try the bounce hut and mini-carousel rides.

They also had pony rides and some other fun stuff, but we decided to avoid any more of the 90 degree heat and headed back to our own dock. Lots of pontoon boats, etc., move out on to the water and park for the fireworks to come. 

A neighbor offers one of the kids a ride on a jet ski, and we carry chairs out on to the dock.
Having drinks handy and a dose of mosquito spray is a good idea before it gets dark. Some of the other neighbors show up at the dock at the last minute and are given seating for the display.
Having drinks handy and a dose of mosquito spray is a good idea before it gets dark. Some of the other neighbors show up at the dock at the last minute and are given seating for the display.
Pyrotechnics begin around 10 p.m., and are fabulous across the water - it amplifies the sound and makes a better stage than the lawn. If the water is calm enough it reflects the show, providing a mirror view at twice the height. It's truly spectacular, something a person can always remember. And then for us, we're fortunate enough to have no drive home. Fireworks made in China - and loved all over the U.S.A., in every small town and backyard. Fireworks everywhere, all at once. Amazing.
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