It's unusually warm today here in Indiana, with temperatures in the 60s. It will turn cold again soon, but today I walked around the yard and took a photo of our naked sculpture here. It looks as though she needs some clothes. I've draped her before to entertain us, but instead I could just go buy her something to wear at Forever 21.
Forever 21 is a clothing store chain that has become very popular all across the country. We have one in Fort Wayne at Glenbrook Square Mall. Teens love this store - they have a huge selection of things, it's trendy, and prices are generally cheap. It began in California, and was first called Fashion 21. There was one store in the L.A. area in 1984, and by 1997 that number had grown to 40 stores. The Korean-born owners bought designs from hundreds of southern California clothing makers and put them together in their original store. It still works that way - one problem with this is there is no uniform size-scale across the store. A 6 in one item might be the same size as an 8 in another. But, who cares? Informal, fun, so-Cal: It's not Macy's or Banana Republic, but it's not intended to be so.
The local store has an interesting decor - faux tin ceilings (at least I don't think they could be real) that have been white washed; a dozen or so elaborate chandeliers hang from the ceilings. I really like how the accessories and jewelry have a room of their own. The costume jewelry is well displayed, and there is a massive collection: it is one of the best features of the store. Costume jewelry is so elaborate and fun right now: lots of metallics, chain mail strung together, and feathers (really a huge trend).
Separates are the focus of the line. It's not a suits or dresses type of brand. Forever 21 has gained a measure of media attention by printing the bible verse John 3:16 on the bottom of their shopping bags - a witnessing of their Christian perspective. What I didn't know is that the hamburger chain In-&-Out Burger has done the same thing on some of their cups.
Although Forever 21 has been sued by Diane Von Furstenberg, Gwen Stefani and Anna Sui for having suppliers copy their designs, reportedly the company is trying to show more business acumen by assuming a policy of corporate responsibility and posting their plans on their website. For some fun and inexpensive shopping, give it a try. The store is kind of jam-packed with merchandise, which I think makes it difficult, but if you're able to keep your sanity while digging, I'm sure you can find something you like.